RULES:1. Post eleven facts about yourself.2. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven-question set for the next group of nominees.3. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them in the post.4. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag-backs! 5. Nominate blogs under 200 followers.
I firstly one to start off with by saying a massive thank you to Chantal from for nominating me!
11 facts about me -
1. I am a complete handbag addict
2. I own way more lipsticks and nail polishes than i know what to do with
3. I love reading books
4. Anxiety will always play apart in my life, even though iv overcome the issues that caused the anxiety
5. My family and friends mean everything to me
6. Shopping fills me with a warm feeling inside - happiness!
7. I hate the word 'snog' - i am cringing even writing it
8. My favourite flowers are peonies
9. I start my third year of University in September
10. I am British and live in England
11. I am a major lover of Instagram
Chantal's Questions -
1. What's your favourite type of music? I like most kinds of music, as long as they are catchy and have a good beat
2. Sweet or Savoury snacks? This depends on the time of the year if i am honest. In the summer months i tend to eat more savoury snacks - unless its ice-cream and in the Winter i tend to eat (a lot) of sweeter snacks!
3. If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would you be and why? This is such a hard one! But i love Mollie King from The Saturdays, i love her style and very jealous that she has started her own clothing line.
4. Do you have any other hobbies apart from blogging? I love photography and taking photos
5. Would you rather never be able to watch t.v again, or never be able to listen to the radio ever again? I don't listen to the radio, nor do i really watch huge amounts of TV. But if it was a choice between listening to CD's over watching TV, i would definitely rather listen to my CD's - car journeys would be so boring otherwise, i love a good sing song in the car!
6. If you had a time machine would you only choose to go to the future, or would you only choose to go back in time, and why? I would choose to go back in time, so that i could see my Nan again :)
7. What's one makeup item you can't live without? Mascara, almost definitely - but there are a few close seconds!
8. If your life could be a movie what movie would you choose to live in? This one is so hard! This isn't technically a movie, but of a TV series, but they did make movies so it kind of counts, right?! When i was younger i used think that on my sixtieth birthday i was going to wake up with powers and cast spells. I was really sad when that never happened and soon realised it would never happen! Yes thats right, Sabrina The Teenage Witch.
9. Who's your favourite YouTuber? I can't make the decision of only choosing one. So it has to be Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and Hannah Mags (Hannah Michalak)
10. What was your favourite toy when you were younger? This is going to sound so bizarre but never the less i loved her all the same. I used to go to Ballet and each week, one child got to take this frog home which was dressed head to toe in a ballerina outfit. I loved it so much, my mum hunted hi and low for this frog and finally she found her. She is now looking not so great, with her arm nearly hanging off - she was well loved.
(image from google)
11. Where do you want to be in 10 years time? I want to be somewhere that i am happy and content, with all my friends and family around me.
My questions -
1. If you could visit anywhere in the World, where would you go and why?
2. What is your holy grail product and why?
3. What is your favourite childhood memory?
4. If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5. What is your favourite quote?
6. What is your go to accessory?
7. Why did you start blogging?
8. What is your biggest achievement in life so far?
9. What is your biggest fear?
10. What are you doing in your life, right now?
11. Who inspires you?
I nominate -