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Monday, 5 January 2015

Bucket List 2015

Some of you may remember that i did an anxiety post, and within that post i mentioned that in January 2014 i created a Bucket List of all the things i wanted to achieve that year, anxiety being my biggest one. I have decided to carry it on and bring it into 2015 with me, i have also done a New Years Resolution list which was posted on Friday but i like to keep them separate as i symbolise my New Years Resolutions with giving up after January!

  1. Pass and Graduate from my degree
  2. Find a job in the field i want to work in
  3. Take a spontaneous trip (get in a car and drive, or book a holiday and go the next morning, kind of trip!)
  4. Document my photographs into memories (i know this is in the resolution post, but i had to throw it in here too!)
  5. Enjoy each moment, even the bad ones.. 
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
it's learning to dance in the rain"

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  1. ooo I llove a late deal holiday , last year we went to Greece the day after we booked it and it was amazing :) . Great goals hun I hope you find your path this year. ox x

    1. Thats amazing!! I would love to do something like that, maybe this year is the year!

      Katie x
