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Monday, 9 March 2015

Failing as a blogger

I am hanging my head in shame. I have neglected my little blog over the past few weeks, and there has been tumble weed which represented my blog posts. Oh the shame. My blog is a place where i find comfort, and a secure base. Somewhere that i can write anything that is on my mind, and i wont feel judge or guilty for. It is sad to think i haven't had a space recently. I finished my degree at the very end of May, so you can imagine, things are heating up (and not in a good way!).

I am trying to keep on track of my Dissertation, as well as keeping up to date on assignments due in and then theres the dreaded exam thats lurking in the back of my mind. I would rather do an assignment any day, rather than an exam. I don't work well under pressure!

I have recently found a few things that have kept me organised, up to date and less stressed over my dissertation and i will be sharing them with you on my next blog post!

Apologises again for my lack of posts. I would love to say this wont happen again. But, lets be honest, it probably will. However, once June hits, my little blog will have my full dedication, once again!

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  1. Try not to worry about it too much , I am the same at the mo xox

    1. Thanks lovely, that means a lot!

      Katie x
