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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Starting Worcester University

As some of you may already know i didn't take the general route to studying my degree. I did a foundation degree at my near by college and i decided to top my degree up to make it a BA Honours at Worcester University. If you haven't seen that blog post, i will link it, here.

Last week as my first week at Worcester. I am commenting from home and the drive is roughly an hour away from me. The reason why i decided to commute is because i will only be attending Worcester Thursday and Friday. Staying at home also meant i could keep my job so that i would still have an income.

(My friend very kindly brought my this travel mug since i am commuting! Look how cute it is!)

The idea was to be there the whole week, but after Tuesday we was told it was then optional to come in Wednesday - Friday. The option was there if you needed more help with the Dissertation proposal. I emailed mine over on Tuesday evening. It is a lot more fast paced than what i am used to, i am not sure if thats just generally the third year or Universities in general?

The first day was mainly filled with Welcome Talks. There was also an introduction to the Independent Study (the dreaded dissertation!). On the first day i attended the Freshers Fair, where i got a few freebies! I picked up the average free pens, pencils and highlighters. What made the freshers fair for me though was the free pizza from Pizza Hut and free Ice Cream!

They were also giving out fortune cookies, inside it says "if you think sunshine brings you happiness, then you haven't danced in the rain". I interpreted that to mean, even when you have having a really rubbish day, you can always find a little bit of happiness, even if its the smallest thing.

It has a very similar meaning to my favourite quote, which is "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its learning to dance in the rain".

 If you have started or starting back at School, College or University, than i hope its going well!

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  1. Fantastic Post :) I simply love that travel mug so much!!!!!
    I love your Blog!

    Follow for follow?

    Amanda x
    The Malteser

  2. I'm starting college next week for the first time and I'm really nervous. Hope I'll get the hang of it. Great post.


    1. Best of luck!
      I am sure you will be absolutely fine, everything is scary at first but once you've been there a few hours i am sure you will feel a lot more relaxed :)

      Katie x

  3. Hope you're enjoying uni! Lovely post!
    Would love if you could check out my blog if you get a chance!

    1. Thank you, it is hard work but its good.
      Sure :)

      Katie x

  4. I hope you're enjoying! I love that fortune cookie quote... mine always have something really rubbish inside. Lol!
    Nilla Forever

    1. Thank you! I know i was very surprised, but i did pick up another one which had something inside that made no sense haha

      Katie x
