Saturday, 20 December 2014

Blogmas Day 20: My Birthday!!

Today is my birthday!!!

 It is also the day where i turn 24 years old, eeekkk! 

I haven't got much planned for today, i like tradition i get up mega early because i am so excited (yes, you did read i was 24 years old above, i just can't help getting over excited!) i generally open my presents in the morning with my family and do little things throughout the day with the people that mean the most to me. This year, i am spending the morning with my family, afternoon with my boyfriend and the evening with my friends. 

I have become very overwhelmed by stress and anxious thoughts as of late, and i am feeling the pressure of my social life and university work so today will be my last Blogmas post. I am really sad to be stopping Blogmas so close to the end but i really need the time to focus on my work and get things sorted and clear within my mind. 

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