Thursday, 27 November 2014

I am doing BLOGMAS!

I have some rather exciting news which i wish to share with you all! This is my first year of having my own little blog and every year i love reading and watching other peoples blogmas/vlogmas posts and videos, so this year i have made the decision to do Blogmas myself!

If you don't know what Blogmas is then, it is when bloggers blog every day from the 1st December up until either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The festive season is my absolute favourite time of the year, so it fills me with such excitement to be able to join in with Blogmas this year!

A blog post will be going up every single day, but please keep in mind that they may not all be going up at the same time. I will aim to have each post up by 10am each day (the same as my general blog posts) but sometimes it may not work out like that. As i have work and university commitments, as well as, my personal life. This is something that i really want to do and i am 100% committed to making sure a blog post will be up every day, even if on some days it may be later than others!!

It is crazy to think the next blog post that goes up will be the 1st of December and Blogmas Day 1!!

Let me know if the comments below if you are also doing Blogmas this year because i would love to check out your posts too!

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  1. Me too! Excited to read your posts x

  2. Sounds very cool that your doing blogmas! Please have a look at my blog tooღ

    Augusta |
