Saturday, 23 August 2014

What's in my festival bag?

What's in my festival bag?

This will be my fourth festival, so i am starting to pick up what to take and what i really don't need! I am going to Fusion Festival which is held in Birmingham, this is there second year. It is a two day festival but there is no camping, so i am just going on the Sunday with my friend. Previously i have been to V Festival, T4 and Wireless. I absolutely love festivals, i love the atmosphere and of course singing until my heart is content for as long as i can!

1. My choice of handbag! There will be more pictures and a better description of this further down the blog post.
2. Deodorant - this is a hit or a miss. Mainly because i have been told to get rid of it before entering the festival before! But dancing, jumping up and down all around sweaty people leaves me feeling a bit gross, so every now and again i like a freshen up!
3. Camera - Of course, to capture all the great memories on camera and lets be honest, i can't going anywhere without taking a few snaps!
4. MONEY MONEY MONEY! Cash is definitely a must, card machines will be very few, queues will be horrendous and the price to get money out will bankrupt you.
5. Lip balm - i find when i am out in the open all day my lips tend to get try dry so i will be nice and prepared to banish those chapped lips
6. Hand wipes - there is no if's no buts, you will need these. Even if you need to wipe something before you sit down, wipe your face hands, anything, these will be your best friend.
7. Hand sanitizer - chances are there will be no soap to wash your hands with after you have been to the toilet, and i am gonna get your bottom dollar that you will want to use this before you start eating too! Life Germ saver in a bottle!
8. Plasters - you may need them, you may not. But you are going to be on your feet for pretty much all day and most of the late evening. So if you get a blister early on then you will be pretty glad you packed these!
9. Tablets - always be prepared, in every situation! 
10. Portable phone charger - lets face it, iPhones don't have the best charge in the world, so i find its just nice to have a backup
11. Sunglasses - my eyes are very so sensitive to the light, and if its sunny, and i want to see the stage and whats going on in front of me instead of squinting the whole time, these are a must.
12. An empty bottle of water - this might sound ridiculous. Why empty? As most festivals don't let you take liquids in to the festival. Why take an empty bottle? Water is ridiculously overpriced when you get inside the festival and there will always be taps to fill up your water bottle inside.
13. Toilet roll! I won't be taking this massive roll with me, i will find some packet tissues. But you can guarantee when you need the toilet there will be no toilet paper left for you!

Cross the body bag - Oasis 
You can find the brown version here - unfortunately i can't find the grey version online

The reason i chose this bag was because it was small enough to carry around and big enough to fit everything i need inside it. I also liked how it was a cross the body bag, so the chances of me loosing is were slimmer than if it was on my shoulder - also i thought i would find a shoulder bag a bit annoying. 

I also liked how there was many different sections even though i would probably only use the top one, especially for the festival. As i will feel all my belongings are closer to me and more secure.

There is also another zip compartment inside which i will keep my most valuable items (not that i will be taking extremely valuable items! Mainly just my phone!)

Interested in seeing a last minute festival?

This is the lineup for Fusion Festival. All tickets are still on sale, but they are also currently on group on for half the price - every annoying for someone like me who paid full price for gold circle! Nevertheless, go and get yourself a good deal, here.

I am going to Fusion Festival with one of my best friends Laura. She will also be posting a 'whats in my festival bag' blog post along with lots of photographs from the days events! So be sure to keep your eyes pealed for that and go and check her out here. I absolutely love reading her blogs so she is definitely one to follow.

Have you been to a festival this year?
Which one did you attend?
I have my eyes set on Glastonbury next year! What do you say Lau?!

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  1. Aww, I hope you enjoy Fusion Festival, sounds like a great line-up :)

    This is a lovely post, definitely a relevant one as it's festival season and knowing what to take or leave can be a real minefield! Hand wipes are just lifesavers, I always mean to pack them wherever I go but often forget! :/ And you made such a good point about sunglasses; I really can't live without mine haha! ;) Your bag is super gorgeous, Oasis do so many lovely designs and this is no exception! I can't believe I've still never been to a festival before, but I've always fancied Wireless!

    Sophie | soinspo xo

    1. Thank you, i am really excited! I just hope the weather warms up!!
      Have you not?! I would definitely recommend one, the atmosphere is incredible!

      Katie x

  2. Aww thank you for stopping by!

    Katie x
